
Mike Johnson Fully Humiliates Himself On Meet The Press

Speaker of the Home Mike Johnson twisted and turned in each route as he humiliated himself to cowl for Trump telling him to dam the border invoice.

Speaker Johnson claimed that President Biden has the chief authority to shut the border proper now, “The president has the authority right now. He doesn’t need another act of Congress. He could do it right now. But he’s unwilling to do it.”

Kristen Welker responded, “As you know, the White House has completely dismissed the allegation that in any way the migrants and surge of migrants have been intentional on the part of the president. In terms of him being able to take action right now, Mr. Speaker, you know as well as I do that an executive order would only be met by legal challenges. You have a chance to do something right now. The details we laid out are not rumors. That is based on negotiators who were in the room.”

Johnson stated that Biden has govt authority to behave on the border he’s additionally demanding that the Senate go and Biden signal H.R. 2, “And I have been absolutely clear from day one, since literally the next morning after being handed the gavel in late October, what the functional equivalence of H.R. 2, what those are, and why that was necessary to solve the problem. I took 64 House Republicans to the border in January. We heard from the people in charge, the border patrol agents, the people there. And they said, ‘These are the things that you must do to stem the flow. And the reason we have the biggest immigration catastrophe, border catastrophe in U.S. history is because President Biden took these actions.’ I can name them for you.”

Welker requested Johnson if Trump was calling the photographs on the border deal, and he responded, “Of course not. He’s not calling the shot. I am calling the shots for the House. That’s our responsibility. And I have been saying this far longer than President Trump has. I have been saying what the requirements are to fix the problem. I don’t care if they call the legislation H.R. 2 or not. What we’re saying is you have to stem the flow. The president has executive authority right now. As Congress does this negotiation and the debate and the discussion, the president could stop it. Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the Supreme Court has already acknowledged gives the president broad executive authority –”


Trump isn’t calling the photographs. It’s a coincidence that Speaker Johnson modified his place to all the pieces that Trump desires. Mitch McConnell is apparently also lying when he said that Trump is directing Republicans to block the border bill because he wants to use the issue in the election.

Mike Johnson is Donald Trump’s puppet within the Home. Johnson is prepared to lose the Home majority if thinks that doing so will get Trump again into the White Home.

The entire interview was stuffed with Johnson contradicting and humiliating himself to please Boss Trump.

The speakership has fallen to date for the reason that Republican takeover of the Home that one in every of Hakeem Jeffries‘s essential duties might be restoring dignity and authority to the place if he turns into speaker subsequent yr.

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