
Minnesota Man Charged with Aiding ISIS Threatened to ‘Blow up New York’ In accordance with DOJ | The Gateway Pundit

Harafa Hussein Abdi despatched {a photograph} of himself carrying an AK-47 assault rifle/Picture: U.S. Division of Justice

Harafa Hussein Abdi, 41, a U.S. citizen from Minnesota, has been charged with supporting ISIS following navy coaching at a terror camp in Somalia, according to the Justice Department.

Assistant Lawyer Normal Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Division’s Nationwide Safety Division stated, “As stated in the complaint, Mr. Abdi left his country to join ISIS, trained as a fighter and actively aided the group’s propaganda efforts to spread its vile ideology.”

U.S. Lawyer Damian Williams for the Southern District of New York added, “As alleged, Harafa Hussein Abdi, a citizen of this country, traveled from Minnesota to join a group of ISIS fighters in Somalia. While training with ISIS fighters in Somalia, Abdi allegedly carried an AK-47, threatened to attack civilians in New York City, and encouraged others to carry out such attacks. Our law enforcement partners have relentlessly pursued this investigation to ensure the disruption of Abdi’s alleged plans to wage terror on our shores and bring Abdi to an American court to face justice. No matter how long it takes, this office is steadfast in its commitment to investigate, disrupt and prosecute terrorist threats against Americans.”

Government Assistant Director Larissa L. Knapp of the FBI’s Nationwide Safety Department stated, “Abdi allegedly trained in an ISIS camp, encouraged others to fight on behalf of ISIS, and sent social media messages about committing violent acts in New York City. The FBI works tirelessly to protect the American people against acts of terrorism and will hold accountable all those who break our laws and endanger our citizens. We will continue to work with our law enforcement partners both here and overseas to uncover and disrupt terrorist activity.”

In accordance with the criticism, Abdi moved from Minnesota to Somalia in 2015 and joined a bunch of ISIS fighters at an ISIS coaching camp.

Abdi shared information that he joined the“Islamic State” on social media, stating he had made “hijra,” an Arabic time period utilized by ISIS supporters who journey abroad to affix ISIS and interact in jihad.

Abdi additionally despatched an audio clip of rap lyrics round 2017 by which he expressed help for ISIS and described a number of acts of violence, together with capturing and bombing people in New York Metropolis.

In accordance with the discharge:

Abdi is charged with (i) conspiring to supply materials help to a delegated overseas terrorist group, which carries a most penalty of 20 years in jail; (ii) offering materials help to a delegated overseas terrorist group, which carries a most penalty of 20 years in jail; (iii) conspiring to obtain military-type coaching from a delegated overseas terrorist group, which carries a most penalty of 5 years in jail; and (iv) receiving military-type coaching from a delegated overseas terrorist group, which carries a most penalty of 10 years in jail, a nice or each.