
Nancy Pelosi Calls Out Katy Tur For Being A Trump Apologist

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to MSNBC’s Katy Tur defending Trump’s jobs report, by calling her a Trump apologist.

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Pelosi mentioned, “Donald Trump has the worst record of job loss of any president. So we just have to make sure people know.”

Tur mentioned, “There was a global pandemic.”

Pelosi responded, “He had the worst record of any president. We’ve had other concerns in our country. If you want to be an apologist for Donald Trump, that, that may be your role, but it ain’t mine.”

Tur mentioned, “I don’t think anybody could accuse me of that.”


One of the vital widespread complaints that I hear from MSNBC viewers is that a few of them discover the community’s daytime lineup borderline unwatchable, and the 2 hosts that viewers complain most frequently about are Andrea Mitchell and Katy Tur.

The complaints round Tur are principally centered round how she is perceived by viewers as a practitioner of bothsidesism who apologizes for and closely options the Republican standpoint.

So, it would shock Tur to study {that a} sizable variety of MSNBC viewers agree with Pelosi.

The concept that the pandemic was solely liable for the job losses below Trump is a false Republican speaking level.

Studies have shown that Trump’s economic policies had already pushed the economy into recession. The economic system was already in recession earlier than COVID. Trump was going to have a foul jobs report with out the pandemic. Solely blaming the pandemic for the job losses ignores what Trump did to the economic system.

Katy Tur comes off as a Trump apologist to some viewers who most definitely cheering Pelosi’s feedback.

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