How much you wanna bet the Cleveland Charge could throw a basketball over them mountains?
The NBA G-League is going all out for their “Flippin’ Sweet” tribute to Uncle Rico from the movie Napoleon Dynamite this afternoon (Saturday, March 22), including an appearance by actor Jon Gries, a bobblehead giveaway, and uniforms based on Uncle Rico’s outfit from the film.
The uniforms are light blue with a white stripe down the middle that tapers to a point about halfway down. Over top of the stripe on the chest, “Cleveland Charge” is written out in a black cursive font that appears to be written on a torn piece of notebook paper that’s taped to the jersey. It also has a graphic of a silver chain with one of the Charge’s alternate logos hanging from the neck.

The number on the front of the jersey is set in a black handwritten font with a white drop shadow. The same font is used for the number on the back, although there it has no drop shadow and — like the team name on the front — appears to be written on a taped-on notebook paper.
The Charge haven’t given a good look at the shorts that go with the jersey, but based on the video below, they seem to be the same shade of light blue as the jerseys, possibly with white trim around the hems.
The logo of presenting sponsor Goodwill appears on the front of the jersey, inside the white stripe and just below the collar.
Along with actor Jon Gries, who played Uncle Rico, Saturday’s game will also feature an appearance by Tina the Llama, and any fans named Tina (or Christina) get free food all night. The Uncle Rico bobblehead — which depicts the character throwing a steak at Napoleon — is available as part of special ticket packages, also with meet-and-greets with Gries.
Tip-off between the Charge and the Osceola Magic is at 5 p.m. ET at the Public Auditorium in Cleveland.