
Oil – non-public survey of stock reveals a lot bigger headline draw than was anticipated

That is from the privately surveyed oil inventory information forward of official authorities information tomorrow morning out of the US.

Through on Twitter:

Expectations I had seen centred on:

  • Headline crude -2.2mn barrels
  • Distillates +0.3 mn bbls
  • Gasoline +2.3 mn

This information level is from a privately-conducted survey from the American Petroleum Institute (API).

  • It is a survey of oil storage amenities and firms
  • The official report is due Wednesday morning US time.

The 2 experiences are fairly totally different.

The official authorities information comes from the US Power Info Administration (EIA)

  • Its based mostly on information from the Division of Power and different authorities companies
  • Whereas info on complete crude oil storage ranges and variations from the earlier week’s ranges are each supplied by the API report, the EIA report additionally supplies statistics on inputs and outputs from refineries, in addition to different important indicators of the standing of the oil market, and storage ranges for varied grades of crude oil, akin to mild, medium, and heavy.
  • the EIA report is held to be extra correct and complete than the survey from the API