
OUCH: Trump Humiliates Haley in CPAC Straw Ballot | The Gateway Pundit

Former President Donald Trump crushed Nikki Haley within the Conservative Political Motion Convention’s (CPAC) straw ballot on Saturday.

Trump destroyed Haley with a whopping 94 % to her 5 %.

The ballot concluded on the identical day that Trump handily defeated Haley within the major for her house state of South Carolina.

CPAC additionally polled attendees about their vice presidential picks — which South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy tied.

Just the News studies:

Trump now stands because the all-time chief of the CPAC straw ballot with seven wins, adopted by Utah Sen. Mitt Romney with 4, and Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul with three wins every.

The Conservative Political Motion Convention conducts the straw ballot yearly to get an thought of who the Republican base needs for its subsequent president.

Trump is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination by an absurd margin — however Haley has vowed to not drop out of the race earlier than Tremendous Tuesday.