
“Our Challenge Will be to Let People Know Who Brung it to ’em” – Kamala Harris Will get Testy with Reporter Asking About Biden Abysmal Ballot Numbers (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Kamala Harris spent Monday in South Carolina and delivered remarks at a Martin Luther King Jr. Day occasion.

Harris spoke at an occasion for MLK Day in South Carolina forward of the state’s February 3 major.

Recall that the Democrats previously voted to take away Iowa as its first voting state and changed it with South Carolina.

Apparently, Iowa is simply too white.

This transfer was championed by Joe Biden to ‘reflect the party’s various citizens.’

Harris spoke with the media after she delivered remarks. She received testy with a reporter who identified that the voters are simply not on board with the Biden-Harris ticket.

A brand new left-leaning ABC News poll reveals 72% of Individuals don’t imagine Joe Biden has the psychological sharpness to serve successfully as president.

Biden’s job approval ranking “has dropped to a low for any president in the past 15 years” on account of cussed inflation, excessive mortgage charges, and wars and rumors of wars.

“Further, Biden’s approval rating is 21 points below average among Black people and 15 points below average among Hispanic people, compared with 6 points among white people; more Black people, in particular, offer no opinion.” ABC Information reported.

“We’ve done really good work. Our challenge will be to let people know who brung it to ’em!” Harris stated.