
PM Orbán Says European Union Is ‘Blackmailing’ Hungary, Withholding Funds Over Budapest’s Place on Ukrainian Membership and Help | The Gateway Pundit

Conservative champion, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is in fixed dispute with the European Union over an array of Globalist insurance policies that Brussels needs to impose on each member – however that Budapest rejects.

The EU – that Orbán has known as ‘a bad parody of the Soviet Union – tarnishes Hungary as ‘poor’ on the rule of legislation, whereas concurrently propping up Ukraine, a rustic with a authorities that has banned all opposition events and censored just about each media outlet crucial of Zelensky.

Learn: Tucker Interviews Viktor Orbán on Ukraine War: We Need “Peace Immediately. Call Back Trump. That’s the Only Way Out”

So this week Orbán mentioned that the European Fee, led by über Globalist Ursula von der Leyen, is ‘blackmailing’ Hungary by withholding billions in frozen funds.

Orbán mentioned the blackmail is admitted by the ‘blackmailers’ themselves — the members of the European Parliament.

Politico reported:

“’In our view, Hungary fulfils all the qualities of the rule of law, and when the European Commission has specific needs, we implement everything from them, and we are also cooperative,” Orbán advised reporters in Budapest throughout a press convention. “You can not blame me for doing every part I can to advertise Hungary’s pursuits in such a blackmailed scenario’.

Orbán’s authorities has been embroiled in a long-standing dispute with Brussels, which has frozen billions of EU funds supposed for Hungary over considerations about human rights and the rule of legislation within the nation.”

Learn: Hungary’s Orbán Calls the European Union a ‘Bad Contemporary Parody’ of the Soviet Union

Simply final week, the European Fee unblocked €10.2 billion in frozen funds for Hungary, only a day earlier than the beginning of Ukraine’s accession talks to the EU and an additional assist bundle to Kyiv.

Many EU politicians, studying the scenario in reverse, warned Brussels to not ‘give in’ to what they understand as blackmail from the Hungarian chief.

“There is more money at stake for Budapest and Orbán is still blocking a €50 billion aid package for Kyiv, which leaders are set to discuss early next year.”

Learn: Conservative Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán: ‘Immigration and Terrorism Go Hand in Hand” – ‘We Don’t Want Mini Gazas in Budapest!’

The issue for EU politicians is that Hungary genuinely believes European Union funding to Ukraine should not be granted from the EU’s price range.

Reuters reported:

“‘I am convinced that to give Ukraine 50 billion euros ($54.70 billion) from the EU budget for five years… That’s a bad decision’ […]They want to give the money to Ukraine from inside the EU budget, Hungary wants to give it outside the EU budget. They have the possibility – if we don’t agree on this – to resolve this outside the budget but don’t have the option of resolving this from the EU budget without Hungarian approval’, Orbán said.”

Learn: EU Leaders Bypass Hungary’s Orbán Objections, and Approve Beginning of ‘Ascension Negotiations’ With Ukraine

“‘They have the possibility, 26 members to resolve this with a joint loan outside the budget. If this comes up we will consider what we say. […] We do not want to link financial assistance to be given to Ukraine with any Hungarian financial issues… this would also violate the EU principle of loyal cooperation’, Orbán said.”

Learn extra:

Orbán Fights Back: Hungarian PM Vetoes European Aid Package for Ukraine, Warns He Can Still Block Kiev’s Membership in the EU