
Powder Keg Europe: Dutch Military Commander Urges Preparation for Warfare With Russia, as Netherlands Get Prepared To Ship F-16 Fighters to Ukraine | The Gateway Pundit

Instances are good for worry mongering in Europe, it appears. Because the ‘old continent’ is overrun with unchecked mass migration, civilian and army leaders noticeably change topic, bang the drums of warfare and warn of warfare with Russia.

The outgoing commander of the Dutch military, for one, determined to ‘go out with a bang’, as he known as on the Netherlands to develop into higher ready for a possible future warfare with Russia.

Newsweek reported:

“‘The Netherlands should be seriously afraid of war, and our society should prepare for it… Russia is getting stronger’ Lieutenant Normal Martin Wijnen, commander of the Royal Netherlands Military, mentioned in an interview with the newspaper De Telegraaf.

The Netherlands, one of many founding members of NATO, has been a powerful ally of Ukraine within the warfare began by Russian President Vladimir Putin in February 2022. Mark Rutte, the prime minister of the Netherlands, introduced final week that his nation will quickly ship 18 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine to assist in its protection towards Putin’s forces.”

Dutch troops: nation is invaded by unlawful migrants, however is geared to arrange for a future imaginary Russian menace as a substitute.

Wijnen is stepping down from his position as the highest normal for the Dutch military right this moment (January 1). He known as for the Netherlands to observe the instance of preparation from Sweden, Finland and the Baltic states.

“‘The Netherlands should not think our safety is guaranteed because we are 1,500 kilometers away [from Russians]’, Wijnen said.”

[…] ‘There is only one language that Russia understands, and that is one of a strong military’, Wijnen mentioned. ‘The Netherlands must learn again that all members of society must be ready when things go wrong’.”

It’s unclear how this plea by the outgoing army chief will play, for the reason that Globalist Mark Rutte coalition was destroyed within the polls by the suitable wing, led by Geert Wilders, one of many males that the left likes to hate, nearly as a lot as Putin.

Learn: Globalist Elites Panic as Netherland’s Geert Wilders Stands Against the ‘Migration Tsunami’ – ‘The Dutch will be Number One Again’

Wijnen joins the ever-growing refrain of involved voices calling for preparedness and mobilization to deal with the longer term Russian menace.

Because the West pushes the NATO eastward enlargement proper into Russia’s borders, they concurrently ‘cry wolf’ as a result of the large from the East lastly awoke and fought again.

German Protection Minister Boris Pistorius.

Learn: Nazis Everywhere: Resurfaced Membership Card Shows Grandfather of Dutch King, Prince Bernard, Lied for Decades About Being a Member of the Nazi Party

One other nation main the foremost worry mongering is, in fact, Germany.

Protection Minister Boris Pistorius just lately spoke of the necessity for Germany to ‘better equip its military’ by growing its weapons safety.

Germany wants to have the ability to sufficiently defend itself, he mentioned, ‘as well as provide arms to Ukraine’ for the reason that U.S. may lower its involvement in Kiev’s warfare with Russia.

“‘We Europeans should be more involved in guaranteeing security on our continent. We have about 5-8 years to make up for what we have lost, from the point of view of the armed forces, industry and society’ Pistorius said.”

Learn extra:

65% of Dutch Want Geert Wilders to Govern: “How I Love the Netherlands! I Will Be Prime Minister of this Beautiful Country!”