
President Trump Holds Digital Rally in Des Moines, Iowa Attributable to Dangerous Climate: “I don’t think we’ve ever been in danger of World War III like we are right now” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

President Trump was scheduled to carry two Iowa caucus rallies on Saturday, however dangerous climate and chilly temperatures brought about cancellations.

Trump held a digital rally in Des Moines, Iowa instead of it. The Iowa Republican Presidential Caucuses are set for January fifteenth.

He warned of the potential for WWIII below crooked Joe Biden.

“I don’t think we’ve ever been in danger of World War III like we are right now. And I always say, and I say it in every speech, I will prevent World War III.” Trump stated.


Trump made the feedback after the US and UK conducted airstrikes on Yemen-backed Houthi terrorists this week.

Trump known as out Biden’s corruption on an absence of election integrity.

“Biden is grossly incompetent. The only thing they know how to do is cheat on elections. They are very good at cheating at elections, and they are very good at also going after your political opponent. But they can’t do anything else; that’s all they are good at. We are going to teach them a lesson,” Trump continued.


President Trump additionally known as out the intense environmental agenda that the Biden regime is pushing.

“They want to go all electric army tanks ok, the problem is they don’t go far.” “They go into obliterate a country, an enemy, because they want to make the atmosphere nice and safe, nice and clean. We want a pure clean atmosphere as we knock the country to hell.” Trump humorously stated.

“I call it the green new scam, not the green new deal,” Trump continued.


President Trump’s laborious work and customary sense are what the USA must convey it again from the brink of catastrophe.