
Professional-Palestine Agitators Occupy MoMA Museum in NYC, Dangle Genocidal Message | The Gateway Pundit

Professional-Palestine agitators took over the Museum of Fashionable Artwork (MoMA) in New York Metropolis on Saturday and hung a genocidal message from the highest story amidst rousing cheers.

In keeping with stories, no less than 500 protestors entered the museum and demanded “divestment from funders aiding in genocide in Gaza.”

Protestors unfurled a banner with the genocidal slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

The slogan is a direct assault on Israel and requires the whole elimination of the Jewish state.

One other banner learn, “MoMA trustees fund Genocide, Apartheid, and Settler Colonialism.”

The October 7 Hamas terrorist assaults towards harmless Israeli civilians have ignited anti-semitic protests throughout the U.S.