
Putin Tells Tucker He is Conscious of Tucker’s Try and Be part of the CIA, Says “Thank God They Didn’t Let You In” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

In his sit-down with Tucker Carlson, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed Tucker beforehand tried to affix the CIA however was denied employment.

The subject bought introduced up when Putin acknowledged a coup d’etat was dedicated in Ukraine, to which Tucker responded, “With the backing of whom?”

Putin replied, “With the backing of CIА, of course; the organization you wanted to join back in the day as I understand.”

The president of Russia continued, “We should thank God they didn’t let you in, although it is a serious organization.”

Tucker didn’t deny Putin’s declare.


There have lengthy been rumors that after graduating school, Tucker Carlson utilized for a place within the CIA however was denied employment.

Tucker himself hasn’t addressed the rumors, however one factor is evident: U.S. intelligence businesses aren’t too keen on some of the daring journalists in America.

The previous Fox Information host beforehand reported the NSA was spying on his communications.