
REALLY? Singer John Legend Claims Trump is ‘Benefiting’ From Two-Tiered Justice System (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

John Legend claimed that Donald Trump is ‘benefiting’ from the two-tiered justice system, throughout an interview with former Joe Biden spokeswoman Jen Psaki on her propaganda MSNBC present.

It is a glimpse into the deranged thoughts of a TDS bothered liberal celeb.

Legend justifies this by noting that Trump has entry to legal professionals who’re delaying trials. He fails to notice that the trials are all fully political and are being introduced towards Trump simply because he’s Trump.

The Washington Examiner reported:

Musician John Legend claims Trump is benefiting from ‘two-tiered’ justice system

Musician John Legend rebuked claims from former President Donald Trump, arguing that he has benefited from a “two-tiered” system of justice amid his multitude of authorized battles.

Trump, the presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Get together, is going through dozens of indictments and a number of authorized battles whereas campaigning for his race to the White Home, along with his hush cash trial beginning this week. Legend, a critic of Trump, argued the previous president is a part of a two-tiered justice system however that it’s one from which he’s benefiting.

“He is getting way more concessions than the average criminal defendant would get,” Legend stated in an upcoming interview with MSNBC’s Jen Psaki. “He’s getting delays, he’s got access to all kinds of lawyers that are filing this and filing that, delaying every trial, and most people don’t have access to that kind of lawyering, don’t have access to the kind of concessions that the justice system will provide to you if you can afford it.”

Right here’s the video:

The dishonesty of the left is aware of no bounds. If this was being executed to somebody like say… Obama, Legend could be main protests towards it and everybody is aware of it.