
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lights Up Republicans For Voting In opposition to Ladies’s Pursuits

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defined to Republicans how girls know the GOP isn’t searching for his or her finest pursuits.

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) stated, “And so we’re supposed to sit here on this side of the dais and to the ranking member, to ranking member Lee’s point, see a party that has voted against women’s access. to abortion, voted against our rights, the Lilly Ledbetter Equal Pay Act, voted against the Violence Against Women Act, voted against our right to have access to contraception, and also doesn’t even vote for equal funding, equitable funding in women’s sports, and I’m supposed to believe that this is who’s looking out for my best interests? I think not.”


AOC nailed it. One of many essential the explanation why Republicans proceed to lose elections is that declare to be performing in one of the best pursuits of ladies, however their actions are the other of their phrases. There seems to be a mentality inside the Republican Celebration that they’ll’t publicly stand by their precise positions, so that they must trick voters by hiding their harmful and harmful agenda.

Ocasio-Cortez known as the GOP out, and Democrats must do the identical factor by way of the 2024 election.