
REPORT: Squatters Have Taken Over 1,200 Houses in Atlanta, Georgia – Reworked One Into an Unlawful Strip Membership | The Gateway Pundit

Squatters have taken over 1,200 houses in Atlanta, Georgia and are terrorizing neighbors with loud events. One dwelling was even become an unlawful strip membership.

This can be a symptom of the lawlessness that has gripped the nation in recent times and to make issues worse, legal guidelines typically favor the squatters, making it extraordinarily troublesome for householders to eliminate them.

If that is allowed to proceed, the issue will solely worsen because it spreads.

PJ Media reviews:

Dem Paradise: Squatters Occupy 1,200 Atlanta Houses, Open Strip Membership

Within the newest episode on Democrat City Utopia, squatters are reportedly taking on tons of of Atlanta houses, terrorizing neighbors, and even opening an unlawful strip membership.

Police response to evict the squatters is so delayed that some determined householders have truly bribed the intruders to depart, based on the New York Publish. Complete neighborhoods have been ruined by the horde of squatters. Native home-cleaning firm supervisor Matt Urbanski emphasised the severity of the disaster, saying, “I’d be terrified in Atlanta to lease out one of my properties.”

He ought to know, as he cleans out houses for “corporate landlords,” based on the Publish. Not solely does Urbanski should filter out squatters’ belongings, however considered one of his workers was additionally shot following his current try to get squatters off personal property.

Crime is a extreme drawback in Democrat-run Atlanta, which had record-breaking homicides in 2021. Whereas violent crime reportedly decreased in Atlanta in 2023, automotive thefts shot up. PJ Media’s Chris Queen, who has lived in metro Atlanta his complete life, famous that Democrat soft-on-crime insurance policies possible contribute to the squatter disaster.

“Certain parts of metro Atlanta — the areas under total Democrat control — are looking the other way when it comes to crime, so it’s no surprise that criminals are getting bolder and more creative,” Queen stated.

Is that this imagined to be a part of the Democrat ‘equity’ agenda?

This might come to a foul finish in a short time. Authorities in Atlanta could be sensible to take care of it earlier than folks start taking issues into their very own palms.
