
“RINO Season” -Joe Dan Gorman’s Hilarious Masterpiece at Mental Froglegs (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Intellectual Froglegs is at it once more with one other hilarious video that mixes classic and present footage to seize what is going on in our nation.

In his newest comedic brilliance, Joe Dan Gorman takes on the necessary points going through us in “RINO Season.”

He shares, “We the People, formally known as the sleeping people….now the pissed off people…and you need to be pissed!”

“We are less than a year away from putting President Trump back in office and that’s exactly what we are going to do. We’re not going to let them steal another election.”

“And if you think 2023 was wild, 2024 is going to be like nothing we have ever seen.  The scale of government control, or attempted government control, is going to be off the charts.”

“You see, these people, they have no boundaries. There are no boundaries for these people.  And based on the global reach of this multi-tentacled communist behemoth, this is likely to be the biggest fight between good and evil ever…ever.”

“And it’s going to be tough on a lot of folks, especially poor folks like us.  But we’re gonna win. We’re going to save America and we are going to save the world.”

On this episode, Gorman additionally takes purpose on the RINO epidemic within the GOP.

“The Republican National Committee is not on our side.”

“Following the 2020 election, the RNC quietly removed their contact information from their website….so get your No.2 pencils out…..I have a phone number for you.”

Please watch and help Mental Froglegs.