
Second suspect arrested in stolen Banksy paintings case

A second suspect was arrested within the alleged theft of a piece by the elusive avenue artist Banksy of a cease signal adorned with three army drones, London police mentioned Sunday.

A person in his 40s was in custody on suspicion of theft and felony injury, the Metropolitan police mentioned. A suspect in his 20s who was arrested Saturday was launched on bail.

Witnesses who arrived at a avenue nook Friday within the south London part of Peckham less than an hour after Banksy posted a photograph of the work on Instagram mentioned they have been surprised to observe a person with bolt cutters take away the signal as one other man steadied a motorbike he stood on.

The incident was captured in images and video.

A lot of Banksy’s political and satirical artwork is vital of struggle, and lots of of his followers interpreted the work as calling for a cease-fire within the Gaza Strip.

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