
Senator Warns It’s Important to Declassify Data on ‘Grave Counterintelligence Threat’ Paul Manafort

After information that former Trump marketing campaign chairman and convicted felon Paul Manafort would possibly rejoin Donald Trump’s marketing campaign, Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore) requested the DNI to declassify a Senate report with particulars about Manafort’s relationship with Russian authorities operatives.

“It is critical that these details be made public to the greatest extent possible,” Wyden wrote to Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines. “As the Committee recommended, the public should be informed as soon as a foreign influence campaign is detected. In this case, a known ‘grave counterintelligence threat’ is reportedly joining a presidential campaign. Only by understanding the details of that threat can the public guard against a malign foreign influence effort that could once again threaten an American election.”

Stating that the Senate report recognized Manafort as a conduit between the Trump Marketing campaign and Russia, Wyden continued:


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I write to request that you just declassify data from Quantity 5 of the Senate Choose Committee on Intelligence’s report on Russian Lively Measures Campaigns and Interference within the 2016 U.S. Election (Counterintelligence Threats and Vulnerabilities). Particularly, I request the declassification of knowledge associated to Paul Manafort, who reportedly is predicted to take a place in Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential marketing campaign (“Trump may enlist Paul Manafort, who was criticized for Russia ties,” Washington Submit, March 18, 2024)

In response to the general public model of the bipartisan report:

“The Committee found that Manafort’s presence on the [2016] Campaign and proximity to Trump created opportunities for Russian intelligence services to exert influence over, and acquire confidential information on, the Trump Campaign. Taken as a whole, Manafort’s high-level access and willingness to share information with individuals closely affiliated with the Russian intelligence services, particularly [Konstantin] Kilimnik and associates of Oleg Deripaska, represented a grave counterintelligence threat.”


Full letter: Here

The backstory:

Josh Dawsey at the Washington Post reported that Manafort is in talks to return to the Trump “campaign.”

Trump’s marketing campaign operation isn’t the same old political marketing campaign, provided that Donald Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election, refused to honor the peaceable switch of energy, and incited what Director Wray referred to as a terrorist assault in opposition to his personal nation in an effort to take care of energy.

Manafort “had accepted a plea deal in the case in September 2018, admitting to money laundering, tax fraud and illegal foreign lobbying connected to his years working for Ukrainian politicians,” the American Bar Associationreported. “Manafort also admitted lying to investigators and under oath before a grand jury about his contact with a Russian associate during the 2016 campaign, breaking the plea agreement.”

In 2019, Manafort was convicted of conspiracy against the United States and conspiracy to obstruct justice by tampering with witnesses, in what was the primary case from Justice Division particular counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation to go to trial. Manafort was one in all 34 people and various firms to be indicted within the investigation.

Donald Trump pardoned Paul Manafort in December of 2020, after he misplaced the 2020 election and simply days earlier than he would incite an rebellion in opposition to his personal nation in an try to take care of energy.

Whereas there’s at all times the priority of not panicking the general public in addition to attempting to maintain hostile overseas powers from prepared entry to our intelligence, the general public ought to be knowledgeable concerning the nature and extent of the hazard posed by this convicted felony Donald Trump selected to guide his 2016 marketing campaign — particularly in gentle of his ties to Russia as Russia seeks to weaken Ukraine by getting the U.S. to cease its support and help of the nation after Putin invaded it illegally.

Russia additionally seeks to undermine western democracies like the USA, and subsequently any individual operating for president of the U.S. shouldn’t be associating with Russian operatives.