
Some different ballot data: 67% see economic system not so good or poor

Some other poll results looking at the economy.

NOTE that 31% of the voters viewed the economy as the most important issue.

Conditions of the nations Economy:

  • 5% Excellernt
  • 28% Good
  • 35% Not so good
  • 32% Poor

Despite the US stock indices near all time highs and up over 20% for the broader indices and unemployment at relatively low levels, inflation remains an issue with 67% viewing economy as not so good or poor.

On inflation, inflation has caused your family:

  • 21% Severe Hardship
  • 53% Moderate hardship
  • 24% No hardship

A total of 74% have had severe or moderate hardship

The Financial situation today:

  • 24% Better than 4 years ago
  • 45% Worse than 4 years ago
  • 30% about the same

45% worse than 4 years ago.

The public perception is the economy is not so good. That favors Trump of course.

Looking at the other important issues:

  • Democracy 35%. That favors Harris
  • Abortion 14%. Mixed, but probably more favorable for Harris. However, Harris may have been expecting a higher interest in Woman’s rights
  • Immigration 11%: Favors Trump
  • Foreign Policy 4%. Favors Trump