
The Related Press Rushed to Politicize Historic Determine Francis Scott Key After Bridge Collapse | The Gateway Pundit

After the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge, the Related Press wasted completely no time dashing to politicize the historical past round Francis Scott Key, the writer of the nationwide anthem.

By no means let a disaster go to waste, proper? It’s virtually like they’re making ready for a suggestion that it’s renamed for another person.

That is what the media does now. Have a look:

From the story:

Whereas the primary verse of the anthem is probably the most well-known, there are a complete of 4 stanzas; within the third, there’s a reference made to a slave. Key, whose household owned folks and who owned enslaved folks himself, supported the thought of sending free Black folks to Africa however opposed the abolition of slavery within the U.S., based on the Nationwide Park Service’s Fort McHenry Nationwide Monument and Historic Shrine.

His private historical past has made him a controversial determine in some quarters; in June 2020, a statue of him in San Francisco was taken down.

It’s all so predictable, isn’t it?

When did the media remodel right into a bunch of scoldy social justice activists?