
Toronto Police Defend Delivering Scorching Espresso to Hamas Supporters Blocking Bridge Close to Jewish Neighborhood | The Gateway Pundit

Police in Toronto, Ontario have been caught on video hand-delivering a to-go field of scorching Tim Horton’s espresso to Hamas supporters on Saturday who have been blocking a bridge close to a Jewish neighborhood. The espresso was dropped at the bridge by protesters who weren’t allowed to hitch the blockade. Two police took the espresso and a bag of snacks and delivered them to the Hamas supporters blocking the bridge.

Laura Brabant, spokesperson for the Toronto Police Service, posted twice on X Twitter to defend the espresso supply to the anti-Semitic terrorist supporters:

“Our officers are managing a dynamic situation. In performing a helpful act today, our officer’s motivation was to help keep tensions low and should not be interpreted as showing support for any cause or group. Our officers continue to work to de-escalate these demonstrations”


“Officers in Toronto are often publicly criticized for heavy handed tactics used during demonstrations. Today, given a very dynamic situation, officers continued to work to de-escalate these demonstrations and maintain calm and the public’s safety”

Toronto Police had earlier introduced street closures for the Hamas demonstrators:

Liberal MP Marco Mendicino, who represents the world of the protest, criticized police, posting, “Good intentions aside, police serving coffee and food to protestors will just embolden more deliberate obstruction of traffic, undermine public safety, and add to local frustrations. Laws exist to prevent this. They need to be enforced!…Given the persistent disturbances, the City should look at using s.214.1 under the Highway Traffic Act to designate a community safety zone at the intersection of 401 & Avenue Rd, and other neighbourhoods that may have been impacted.”

Fellow Liberal MP Anthony Housefather additionally criticized police, “Police bringing food and coffee to demonstrators in the current context of the protests in Toronto was a very poor decision by @TorontoPolice. Unless the goal is to further undermine confidence in the way the force is handling the demonstrations.”

Caryma Sa’d posted many movies from the protest, together with the espresso supply video. A pattern under.

In a scene out of Monty Python’s Lifetime of Brian, demonstrators demanded lavatory privileges from police, which weren’t granted:

Nonetheless, one Hamas supporter was allowed by police to ditch an indication that mirrored poorly on the protesters:

Protesters finally agreed to not block the bridge:

Insurgent Information writer Ezra Levant ripped police, “It’s not actually the pro-Hamas extremists who are blocking the road in and out of the Jewish community. It’s the police blocking the Jews for Hamas. They’re also delivering food and drinks to Hamas. Toronto Police do not deserve respect. They are unprofessional and unethical.”