
Trump Has Bankrupted Rudy Giuliani And Left Him Up To $500 Million In Debt

Trump’s behavior of bankrupting all the pieces round him has touched Rudy Giuliani, who lists up $500 million in money owed in his chapter submitting.

Right here is Giuliani’s chapter submitting:

CNBC reported:

The submitting by Giuliani got here a day after a federal choose in Washington, D.C., ordered him to start paying the 2 election employees the damages he owed for his or her lawsuit towards him.

Giuliani’s submitting estimates he has belongings value between $1 million and $10,000, and estimated liabilities of between $100 million and $500 million.

The chapter signifies that Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss are unlikely to ever see the $148 million that they received of their defamation lawsuit towards Giuliani, however Giuliani’s legal professionals and all of his different collectors are additionally unlikely to ever see the cash that they’re owed.

Rudy Giuliani is the newest instance of somebody who aligned himself with Trump and has seen his life ruined. As Rick Wilson famously famous, all the pieces that Trump touches dies. Rudy Giuliani has misplaced his popularity, his legislation license, and all of his cash.

Giuliani’s life is ruined because of Donald Trump.

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