
Trump Seems To Be Sporting A Girdle Whereas He Campaigns

Keep in mind Trump’s declare that he misplaced 15-20 lbs. by being busy? Footage from a current occasion seem to indicate Trump sporting a girdle.

Ron Filipkoski posted the photographs:

I’m no skilled on girdles and the such, however there’s positively one thing elastic below Trump’s shirt. There may be nothing incorrect with Trump being chubby if that’s what he desires to be. The man is nearly eighty years outdated.

The issue, as traditional with Trump, is a matter of honesty.

Right here is Trump on Fox and Pals telling Brian Kilmeade that he misplaced 15-20 lbs by being too busy to take a seat down and eat.


Trump is attempting to painting himself as more healthy than President Biden to occupy the White Home, however nothing that Donald Trump ever presents to the general public ought to be taken at face worth. Trump will lie and mislead about particulars massive and small.

The same person with a fraud judgment of over $400 million against him would slap on a girdle and declare that he has 15-20 kilos.

All the pieces with Donald Trump is a lie, and solely a idiot would imagine any assertion that he makes.