
Tucker Carlson Warns Over Escalating Threats to Ex-President Trump, Suggests Attainable Assassination Threat (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Screenshot: The Bongino Present/Rumble

Former Fox Information host Tucker Carlson expressed deep considerations over what he perceives as escalating threats to former President Donald Trump, suggesting that the development of opposition may in the end result in an assassination try.

In an intense dialogue with former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, Tucker Carlson thought of the collection of actions taken towards Donald Trump since his time in workplace — from protests and impeachment to latest indictments — and posited that the following step in an escalating sequence could possibly be an assassination try.

“I mean, just chart it out. In the case of Trump, they started with protests. They moved to impeachment. Now they’re at indictment. None of it has worked. What’s next? What could possibly be next? If you felt and you really believed, and a lot of them do, that the worst thing that could happen to the country and more specifically to you in the professional class is to have Donald Trump as President. And everything you have tried has failed. And they have been accelerating steps, protests, impeachment, indictment,” stated Carlson.

“How many more arrows do you have in your quiver? And what’s the next one? And of course, it’s assassination. And assassination happens around the world,” he added.

Carlson acknowledged citing the topic immediately with Trump, noting that the previous president didn’t have interaction on the subject. Nonetheless, he burdened that the truth, as he sees it, necessitates going through the opportunity of such an excessive situation head-on.

“I said it directly to Trump, by the way, because it’s so obvious… And he did not engage with me at all on that subject. And I don’t know what he actually thinks of it, but he’s smart, and so he must know that that’s true,” stated Carlson.