
UH OH, JOE: Michael Moore Warns Biden is Going to Lose in 2024 Like Hillary Misplaced in 2016 (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Left wing activist and filmmaker Michael Moore thinks Biden goes to blow it for Democrats in 2024 like Hillary did in 2016.

In keeping with Moore, thousands and thousands of Michigan liberals are going to sit down out the election over Biden’s dealing with of the Israel/Hamas battle. He reminded MSNBC that Hillary misplaced Michigan in 2016 by a fairly small margin and he sees historical past repeating itself.

He might have some extent. There have been a number of studies about the entire ‘uncommitted’ votes within the Michigan main over this subject. Additionally, do not forget that Michael Moore was one of many few folks on the left who understood Trump’s enchantment in 2016.

FOX News studies:

Michael Moore warns Biden he’ll lose like Hillary did in 2016 over help for Israel

Liberal activist and filmmaker Michael Moore warned President Biden on Monday that he would lose to Donald Trump like Hillary Clinton did over his help for Israel, as a result of voters would keep dwelling in protest.

Moore mentioned throughout his podcast, “Rumble with Michael Moore,” that Clinton misplaced “by two votes per precinct” in 2016. He addressed Biden and mentioned, “that’s what’s going to happen to you.”

“President Biden, you could end this now. You know it’s wrong, I know you know it’s wrong. I know I sound like a broken record and I know you know you’re going to lose this election, in part because too many people are going to stay home,” Moore mentioned. “They’re not going to vote for Trump. They’re not going to switch their vote from Trump to you, no, that is not how this is going to play out. As what happened with Hillary in Michigan, she lost by two votes per precinct. Two for the whole state. Two! And that’s what’s going to happen to you.”

Moore argued younger folks didn’t need struggle and advised the president they had been “sick” of what Biden’s been doing.

Watch Moore making this level on MSNBC.

Michael Moore could also be an fool, however he makes a legitimate level on this subject. If Trump takes Michigan it’s just about over for Biden.