
Ukraine’s “Sarah” Cirillo Targets Gateway Pundit As a substitute of Apologizing for Gonzalo Lira’s Loss of life; Russia’s Zakharova Urges Journalists to “Speak Up For Those in Dungeons of Kiev Regime” | The Gateway Pundit

The Ukrainian Military’s unhinged spokesperson Michael “Sarah” Cirillo has focused The Gateway Pundit for reporting the reality concerning the demise of US YouTuber Gonzalo Lira by the hands of the Biden and Zelensky Regime, whereas Russian spokeswoman Maria Zakharova urged Gonzalo Lira’s colleagues “to speak up in defense of those who today are in the dungeons of the Kiev regime, for those who are still alive and who can still fight for the truth.”

As a substitute of apologizing for his position in Lira’s arrest and demise and voicing condolences for a useless journalist colleague, he claimed dying within the Kiev regime’s custody is “dying of natural causes” and made gentle of “how Ambassador Brink Secretary Nuland and I are responsible for his chain smoking.”

Cirilo is technically a “journalist,” though he denies Lira that honorific.

In the meantime, Russian Ministry of International Affairs spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, who is definitely a girl, urged all these “who worked with video blogger, journalist, and filmmaker Gonzalo Lira, who died in a Ukrainian jail,” to “speak up” and defend these locked away “in the dungeons of the Kiev regime.”

“We urge Gonzalo Lira’s colleagues to speak up in defense of those who today are in the dungeons of the Kiev regime. This is necessary for those who are still alive and who can still fight for the truth. It is a tribute to those who died a martyr’s death in the name of the ideals of freedom. We express our sincerest condolences to Lira’s family and friends,” Zakharova stated.

She identified that each international locations the place Lira was a citizen – the US and Chile – from the very second of the journalist’s arrest by the Ukrainian safety service (SBU) “preferred to leave him without attention and real support, essentially throwing him to the wolves,” TASS reported.

“In Santiago (de Chile), the affair was painstakingly brushed under the carpet, even when Lira’s tragic death came to light. Before that, for many months, the Chilean authorities ignored repeated calls from international and local human rights activists not to abandon their compatriot in distress, thus shifting the burden of responsibility to the US Department of State,” Zakharova wrote.

“In this case, the question arises: where have US officials and specialized organizations been all this time, which, when it suits them, hurry to the rescue of allegedly oppressed media representatives? As, for example, was the case with Evan Gershkovich, caught red-handed while carrying out actions on instructions from the US authorities to collect classified information, or US reporter Nicholas Niarchos detained in July 2022 in the Democratic Republic of Congo,” Russian International Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova stated.

Zakharova blasted the hypocrisy of a Biden Regime that “pays lip service to freedom of speech and journalism, but in practice protects them only when it benefits them.”

“It is clear that the journalist’s refusal to follow the US mainstream and toe the Washington line on what is happening in Ukraine could not remain without consequences, inhumane and literally murderous,” Zakharova stated.

The Gateway Pundit has filed a FOIA request with the US State Department to search out out what position the US authorities and particularly Performing Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, performed within the demise of Gonzalo Lira on Jan. 11.

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