
Venezuela Gangs within the Chicago Suburbs? | The Gateway Pundit

Migrants flashing gang indicators in Chicago – through Terry Newsome

In December of 2023, parental activist and host of the podcast Behind Enemy Lines, Terry Newsome, reported on migrant buses arriving to drop off illegals at suburban Chicago prepare stations. In Newsome’s reporting, he has uncovered proof of doable Venezuelan gang members arriving within the suburbs and metropolis of Chicago. Beforehand, bus routes had been direct to Chicago. Nevertheless, radical leftist Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson directed Chicago regulation enforcement to tug over these buses and both ticket or impound the buses delivering illegals to the town. This act of overt political posturing was a sign by Johnson, admittedly, to name consideration to Governor Abbott of Texas and his steady export of illegals to sanctuary states and cities. The implication is that Abbott is the perpetrator of an inhumane venture directed at overloading these states and cities with illegals. 

The truth, nevertheless, is that Johnson has used girls and youngsters as political pawns in the course of the coldest months of the yr within the Chicago land space. Temperatures in January 2024 had reached as little as 20 beneath zero. Illegals by the tons of had been delivered to coach stations throughout the suburbs within the frigid January temperatures. Successfully, Johnson created a logistical disaster that not solely put illegals – together with girls and youngsters – liable to well being points within the frigid temperatures, however he additionally elevated the burden of the taxpayer by including layers to the unlawful entitlement program in impact all through the sanctuary state of Illinois. The result has been yet another $17 million of taxpayer funds earmarked by Governor Pritzker to address the migrant crisis in the suburbs. In the meantime, many suburbs, reminiscent of Schaumburg and Elk Grove Village, are passing ordinances to disclaim bus drop-offs of their jurisdictions. 

Given the latest reporting of Behind Enemy Lines and Terry Newsome, it’s no surprise why many Illinois suburbs are enacting ordinances to maintain illegals out. In a recent article by the New York Post, it was noted that the notorious Venezuelan gang, Tren de Aragua, has established a presence in the U.S. by migrating through the open border. Together with such transnational felony organizations as MS-13, these gangs are proving to be a hazard to residents in lots of cities throughout the nation. 

Among the many revelations about Tren de Aragua within the New York Publish article was their generally used hand signal. As Behind Enemy Traces was protecting the migrant drop-offs in Downers Grove, Illinois, Newsome approached a gaggle of military-aged younger males from Venezuela. Shockingly, as observable within the screenshots, younger males might be seen flashing the very hand indicators referenced within the New York Publish article. 

Based on Insight Crime, a nonprofit protecting the actions of transnational felony organizations, Tren de Aragua is a jail gang fashioned out of the rail unions in Venezula. Their felony actions embody extortion, kidnapping, human trafficking for sexual exploitation, migrant smuggling, contraband, unlawful mining, retail drug trafficking, cybercrime, and theft. In a clip from Newsome, the implication of substitute concept is on full show. Newsome questioned the illegals on in the event that they supported Biden or Trump. Unsurprisingly, the responses had been all for Biden. In distinction, the reel reveals the Chicago homeless braving the freezing temperatures of the town and declaring their loyalty to Trump. 

The hassle of citizen journalists like Newsome is crucial because the homeless and low-income residents endure the predatory insurance policies of tax and spend liberals in Illinois. In a January sixteenth Naperville metropolis council assembly, a metropolis council member named Josh McBroom advised that taxpayer {dollars} shouldn’t be used to handle the immigrant disaster. As a substitute he advised a signup sheet for all of the residents who want to volunteer to accommodate the illegals. Predictably the liberals had been outraged and leftist rags such because the Chicago Tribune went after McBroom suggesting it was a political stunt. Thus far, nobody has signed up. Regardless, he has since gone viral for good purpose. The mainstream media is of their dying days and the Democrat social gathering is following them into the grave. Citizen journalists like Newsome and customary sense politicians like McBroom have a promising future in a publish Biden regime America.