
Victor Nieves: The Christian Case for Trump | The Gateway Pundit

2 Chronicles 7:14If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

The presidential election is only days away. It is estimated that there are around 210 million Christians in this country. Without question, Christians hold the power to decide the result of this election and chart our nation’s future. Tragically, it is believed that as many as 32 million Christians will not be voting.

Our nation is plagued by immorality, corruption, and sin. Christians have sat idly by for years as our nation turned its back on the Biblical worldview that founded this country’s ethic. Now we are faced with a dichotomy, either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris will be the next president of the United States. As Christians, we get to decide which candidate best aligns with the greatest attainable good.

Comparing the respective records, the answer is clear as day. While Donald Trump is an imperfect sinner in need of the grace of God, as are you and I, he is by far the best attainable good for our nation.

Lets look at his record as the 45th president of the United States. Trump has proven to be a steadfast defender of the Christian worldview. As president, he had the honor of appointing three Supreme Court Justices to the bench and while he could have picked anyone, he picked originalist Christians. These three would later play a pivotal role in securing some of the greatest wins for Christianity in recent memory.

  • Kennedy v. Bremerton. Coach Kennedy was fired from his job as a high school football coach for praying at the 50-yard line. Kennedy sued for a violation of the 1st Amendment and won. The court’s decision in this case ended the Lemon test, which was used to discriminate against Christians for decades.
  • Dobbs v. Jackson. Overturned Roe v. Wade and allowed for pro-life states to enact common sense protections for the most innocent and vulnerable of God’s children, those in the womb.
  • Groff v. DeJoy. The Court ruled that Americans should not be forced to make a choice between their occupation and their faith. This protected Christians who want to uphold the sabbath.
  • Carson v. Makin. The Court ruled Maine could not discriminate against religious schools for generally available tuition assistance payments.

Donald Trump also has been an adamant defender of Christianity and common sense in his proposed policy. Donald Trump has:

  • Vowed to keep men out of women’s sports.
  • Vowed to STOP genital mutilation surgery for minors.
  • Vowed to promote a positive education of the nuclear family and Biblical gender roles.
  • Promised his Education Department would impose “severe consequences” on any teachers or school officials who “suggest to a child that they could be trapped in the wrong body.”

Trump has publicly declared, “They want to tear down crosses where they can, and cover them up with social justice flags, but no one will be touching the cross of Christ under the Trump administration, I swear to you.”


He also said, “The left is trying to shame Christians… they’re trying to shame us. I’m a very proud Christian.”

Following the assassination attempts against him, gave credit to God saying, “I stand before you only by the grace of Almighty God. Many people say it was a providential moment. It probably was.”

The significance of a president that would publicly say such things cannot be overstated.

While it is not disputed that Trump is a sinful man, God has a long history of using flawed and sinful men. Acts 13:22 says, “After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’” Trump is no David, but the point stands that if a murdering adulterer like David can be used as a leader, so can someone like Trump.

Trump could be better, so could you. Unfortunately however, if Trump does not win Kamala Harris will. Her record speaks for itself. She is an unapologetic enemy of the Christian faith.

During her time as vice-president and candidate for president Kamala Harris has:

  • Dishonored Easter by declaring it the “national day of trans visibility.”
  • Run on a platform of “reproductive freedom” aka her radical support for unrestricted all trimesters abortion. She has repeatedly refused to outline ANY restrictions on abortion that she would support. Her running mate Tim Walz signed legislation as governor that allowed abortion until birth in Minnesota.
  • Been an avid supporter of transgenderism and one of her first appearances upon becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee was on the RuPaul Drag show.
  • Defended transition surgery for minors and pornographic hyper sexualized content in public schools, as shown by ravenous opposition to legislation that would protect children in Florida.
  • The Harris-Biden administration proudly hosted a “pride month celebration” on the south lawn of the White House where transgender activists were invited from around the country, one of which famously walked around topless in the presence of children.
  • The Biden DOJ and FBI have targeted believers and specifically Catholics as “potential terrorists.”
  • Recently at a Kamala Harris campaign event someone in the audience shouted “Christ is Lord.” In response Kamala publicly humiliated them and told them that they were at the wrong rally.

Comparing the lives of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris shows what every Christian should already know, they are both flawed sinners in need of God’s grace. Unless Christ our savior descends from heaven and runs for office, this will be true of every election. It is a Christian’s duty to be good stewards of what God has given us, including our right to vote.

Some Christians will refuse to vote claiming they will not vote for the, “lesser of two evils.” However, this thinking is flawed. To refuse to vote for the so-called lesser of two evils mandates that the Christian withdraw from politics entirely as every vote cast is for someone who is a sinner. Instead of this flawed thinking, we should pursue the greatest attainable good.

We are faced with a political dichotomy. Either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris will become our next president. It is up to us to decide which candidate is best for our families, churches, neighbors, and community members. The results of this election will impact American’s abilities to pay for their groceries, avoid foreign wars, and worship freely.

Christians that do not vote for the greatest attainable good are complicit in the evil that Kamala Harris would enact. Not making a choice is inherently a choice. If 32 million Christians refuse to vote and Kamala Harris wins by a few hundred thousands votes it will be Christians to blame for every abortion, every transgender surgery on a minor, every family suffering financially, and every attack on Christianity caused by a Kamala presidency.