
Victor Reacts: You Get What You Deserve! Democrat Mayors Sue to Cease Busloads of Unlawful Aliens (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Typically you get what you deserve! That’s precisely what is going on to those Democratic mayors that claimed their cities had been “sanctuaries” for unlawful aliens. Now that they’re getting what they requested for, they’re singing a special tune.

As reported by the Gateway Pundit:

New York Metropolis Mayor Eric Adams is so determined to cease the stream of unlawful border crossers into the town that he’s now suing the bus firms for transporting them there. A lot for being a sanctuary metropolis.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is doing the same thing.

The controversial coverage of Republican governors transport busloads of illegals to sanctuary cities has highlighted one of many biggest examples of hypocrisy you’ll ever discover. These blue cities are getting what they deserve.