
Video: As U.S. Navy Battles Houthi Terrorists in Purple Sea, New York Metropolis Professional-Hamas Rally Chants in Assist of Houthis: “Yemen, Yemen, Make Us Proud! Turn Another Ship Around!” | The Gateway Pundit

A professional-Hamas rally held at Columbus Circle in New York Metropolis Sunday featured a chant in assist of Yemen-based Houthi terrorists who’re waging struggle on Purple Sea delivery in assist of Hamas. Video of the rally reveals a girl wearing terrorist garb main a crowd of a number of hundred additionally wearing terrorist garb and waving Palestinian flags in a chant of, “Yemen, Yemen, makes us proud! Turn another ship around!”

The Houthis have been launching missiles at service provider ships, boarding ships and attacking U.S. forces. This weekend noticed the Houthis assault U.S. Navy ships and helicopters with missiles from land and arms from small boats, respectively, in separate incidents because the U.S. intervened to guard service provider a ship below repeated assault by the Houthis. The missiles were shot down and three of the 4 attacking boats were sunk by the U.S., killing a reported ten Houthi terrorists.

Display screen picture through PSL X Twitter, December 31, 2023.

Video posted by the communist group Social gathering for Socialism and Liberation, “YEMEN, YEMEN MAKE US PROUD! TURN ANOTHER SHIP AROUND! RIGHT NOW: A large crowd is gathering in NYC’s Columbus Circle”

PSL’s communist affiliate group ANSWER (Act Now to Cease struggle and Finish Racism) reposted the PSL video as effectively one other video from the rally calling for communist revolution:

Photographs from the rally by PSL’s Eugene Puryear:

“The issue is never the issue, the issue is the (communist) revolution”:

Movies posted by reporter Benjamin Ryan of pro-Israel girls confronting the pro-terrorist rally present the sexism and anti-Semitism behind the revolution: Professional-Hamas man calls pro-Israel lady, a “dirty, Zionist c*nt”:

ANSWER was a pacesetter within the post-9/11 so-called antiwar motion that was truly performing in assist of America’s terrorist enemies world wide. PSL is related to ANSWER. Each teams got here out of the communist Staff World Social gathering within the early 2000s. Each teams have allied with Islamist teams to undermine the U.S., Israel and the West within the struggle on terror.