
Violent Protests Erupt at Virginia Commonwealth College: Air-Raid Sirens Sound, Riot Police Deployed, and Shelter-in-Place Order Issued (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Screenshot: Samuel Parker/X

Virginia Commonwealth College has develop into the most recent epicenter of violent protests, as pro-Hamas supporters occupied components of the campus, resulting in a tense standoff with riot police. Authorities issued a shelter-in-place order for all college students.

The confrontation started Monday morning when a bunch of pupil protesters established what they referred to as a “Liberation Zone” outdoors the James Department Cabell Library on VCU’s Monroe Park campus. The group displayed Palestinian flags and chanted “Free Palestine,” demanding a right away ceasefire in Gaza and calling for VCU to sever all monetary ties with Israel.

Because the day progressed, tents have been erected, and protesters fortified their place by forming a barrier across the zone.

Because the day progressed, the state of affairs intensified with pro-Hamas supporters occupying the library and courtyard. Police responded by deploying tear fuel and pepper spray after protesters hurled objects at officers.

Social media posts confirmed tense standoffs between regulation enforcement and demonstrators, with the latter demanding that VCU disclose and divest any monetary ties to Israel and defend pro-Palestinian speech on campus.


All college students at Virginia Commonwealth College in Richmond are instructed to shelter-in-place as a result of police motion in opposition to the pro-Hamas rioters.

RTD Information reporter Samuel B. Parker offered stay updates from the scene.

The night noticed the police making a number of arrests and a trash truck arriving to clear the makeshift encampments. Regardless of the police’s efforts to disperse the group, chants continued, and the variety of demonstrators reportedly grew.

“Officers have moved into position and disassembled the makeshift barricade. Pepper spray has been deployed and protesters threw bottles and other projectiles at officers.”