
Warning Sounded: ‘Biden has Opened the Floodgates of Hell’ | The Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden greets the pilots of Marine One earlier than a flight again to Rehoboth, Delaware, Sunday, Jan. 21, 2024. (Official White Home picture by Adam Schultz)

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Visitor by submit by Bob Unruh 

‘Blood now soaks the soil of 3 continents. Aggressors are now on killing sprees’

Again earlier than World Warfare II there have been a number of small, regional conflicts that had developed.

Ultimately they merged.

And that’s precisely what’s growing now, in accordance with an knowledgeable on worldwide occasions, and Joe Biden is permitting it.

“Biden has opened the floodgates of Hell. Although nothing is inevitable, we are fast approaching the point where, as a practical matter, he will not be able to stop China and Russia, directly and through proxies, from merging existing conflicts and turning them into the next global war,” charged Gordon Chang, an knowledgeable on China, in a column at The Gatestone Institute.

He identified that, “Biden’s foreign policy has collapsed. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan effectively admitted that to CNN’s Dana Bash on February 4.”

Bash mentioned, “You have said now a couple times on this show and you have said this many times before that the administration is trying to prevent this from spreading into a regional conflict.”

Then she listed battle places and mentioned, “My colleague Peter Bergen smartly pointed out that this conflict involves 10 countries, at least four major terrorist groups, so isn’t this already a regional conflict?”

Sullivan responded, “Well, Dana, what I would say is that these are distinct but related challenges. … For example, what’s happening in the Red Sea is obviously to a certain extent triggered by what’s happening in Gaza, but it’s not the same thing. The Houthis aren’t just hitting ships related to Israel; they’re hitting a lot of different ships from a lot of different countries. And so we are trying to deal with the challenge to freedom of navigation in the Red Sea. That is a distinct challenge. The militia groups in Iraq and Syria are hitting our forces. We’re responding. And then of course Israel is dealing both with the challenge of Hamas in Gaza and the threat from Hezbollah in the north.”

Chang defined, “Sullivan, although not his intention, confirmed the war in Gaza has already extended beyond that troubled strip. The situation is actually worse than he let on. Hamas leaders have fled Qatar and are now hiding out in Qatari diplomatic missions in Morocco, where they are unwanted by the King, and in Algeria, where they are welcomed by the regime.”

He mentioned which means Iran successfully has operatives on the west finish of the Mediterranean, in step with its threats to shut down transport there, because it already has within the Pink Sea.

And Hamas operatives now “have also fled Qatar for Turkey, which controls access to the Black Sea, and Lebanon.”

The sequence has been: “Biden’s Afghanistan debacle of August 2021 was quickly followed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, by China’s and Russia’s fueling insurgencies in North Africa, and by Iran’s attacks on Israel from Gaza and the Golan Heights.”

He famous Jonathan Bass, of InfraGlobal Companions, charged, “Blood now soaks the soil of three continents. More will be spilled. Aggressors are now on killing sprees.”

Chang mentioned Biden’s insurance policies are failing as a result of Biden believes it’s doable to combine “virtually all nations into the rules-based international system.”

However he mentioned China and Russia already don’t respect sovereignty of different states.

Which means, “Beijing and Moscow do not accept the assumptions that have defined the world since the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, which established the current international system. Chinese and Russian leaders do not agree as to what should replace Westphalia, but they are nonetheless working together to bring it down,” he mentioned.

That leaves Biden “trying to work” with China whereas Xi Jinping “believes the United States is at most a Chinese colony.”

Biden’s is also making an attempt to “manage” the Russia-Ukraine warfare. And he’s trying to find “compromise” within the Center East.

“He should realize that there can be no accommodation with regimes that either seek the destruction of the United States—China and Iran, for instance—or regimes helping such enemies—most notably Russia. ”

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