
WATCH: Delusional Nikki Haley Insists She Will Beat Donald Trump Throughout CNN Look | The Gateway Pundit

Neoconservative presidential candidate Nikki Haley continues to insist that she is going to beat former President Donald Trump within the Republican main.

Trump, after all, is main Haley by double digits in each state.

Talking to CNN’s Jake Tapper on Monday, Haley seemed to be in full denial about her possibilities.

Tapper started, “So obviously, you’re running in South Carolina, and you’ve told me that you plan to be around. Well, obviously, you want to be the nominee and then the president, but you’re going to be around at least until Super Tuesday.”

“If the unthinkable happens in your view and you do not win, will it be difficult to Support Trump as the Republican Party’s nominee, given what you think about him quite obviously?” Tapper requested.

Haley replied, “Well, first, I think that you need to know that I am going to beat President Trump. But you should ask him if it’ll be difficult for him to support me?”

“He didn’t sign the GOP pledge in 2016,” Tapper replied. “I don’t think and he certainly not signing it now. So I am I’m sure he would say no. But but I guess you’re not going to commit to voting for him if he becomes the nominee?”

Haley replied, “What I’m saying is what I said from the very beginning when there were 14 candidates on the stage, that any one of the 14 would be better than Joe Biden.”

“None of these candidates” not too long ago received the Nevada Republican main, the place the one main candidate on the poll was Haley.

Trump, who’s the GOP frontrunner by a large margin, was not on the poll, as a substitute taking part within the state’s caucus.