
WATCH: Joe Biden Has a Battle with His Meals at White Home Correspondents’ Dinner | The Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden Saturday night stayed up previous his bedtime to ship remarks on the White Home Correspondents’ Dinner with Hollywood elitists.

Far-left protestors stormed the WH Correspondents’ dinner and harassed celebrities ‘journalists’ as they walked into the Washington Hilton.


Biden struggled to eat his meals. He isn’t used to consuming strong meals and feeding himself. Saturday night time’s dinner was completely different than his normal pureed meals spoon-fed to him.

He appeared confused as he pushed the salad round on his plate and received distracted by a dinner roll. Biden struggled to interrupt the bread roll and barely received his fork to his mouth.


The WHCD was a sleep fest.

Biden brazenly joked about spearheading prosecutions towards his fundamental political opponent Donald Trump.

He additionally smeared Trump and repeated the debunked “bloodbath” hoax.