
WATCH: Russell Model Teaches Viewers The best way to Pray the Rosary | The Gateway Pundit

Standard actor and podcaster Russell Model taught his viewers the right way to pray the rosary throughout an episode of his present this week.

Model has been more and more specializing in Christianity and Catholicism in his movies and started carrying a crucifix round his neck earlier this yr.

“For meditation today, we’re going to do something a little bit different. We’re going to chant the holy rosary,” Model stated. “Now, I don’t know all of the prayers, like it begins and ends with certain prayers. But today we’ll be looking at the chant itself.”

Model confirmed his rosary, on which the cross was damaged, and stated that it was a present from his pal Joe.

“He said even though the crucifix is broken, Christ remains intact,” Model defined.

The actor defined that there are 5 units of ten beads “with little interruptions.” You chant Hail Marys on the interruptions and the Lord’s Prayer and Glory Be on the interstitial items, he stated. The opening and shutting prayers, he stated, “I do not know so well.”

Model requested his viewers to both pray together with him or simply hear as he did.

Model posted a clip of the prayer on X, the platform previously referred to as Twitter, the place it shortly amassed over 1.6 million views.

Breitbart News stories that “Last year, he expressed his need for God in his life, insisting without Him he ‘cannot cope in this world.’”