WAYNE ROOT: President Trump, On the Eve of Inauguration, Here are 10 Fool-Proof Ways to Make America Great Again — That No One Has Ever Had the Balls to Do | The Gateway Pundit

By Wayne Allyn Root

Number one: Our elections are being stolen. Every time we try to protect our elections, Democrats cry “racism.” So why not adopt the exact Voter ID law of Mexico? That kills the Democrat’s argument. How can it be racist to implement the same voter fraud protections as Mexico. If it’s good enough for Mexico, if it isn’t racist in Mexico, why would it be “racist” in America?

What does Mexico do to keep their elections honest? It’s simple. They require government-issued photo ID and a thumbprint to vote. You have to prove it’s you, or you can’t vote. Period.

They also add one more simple feature. You can only vote in one language: the national language of Mexico- Spanish. You can’t vote in English in Mexico, so why can you vote in Spanish (or dozens of other languages) in America? Make English the official language of voting in America. If you can’t understand English, you can’t vote. Period.

Number two: End welfare for illegals. Simple. Democrats claim the illegal aliens are not here for the welfare. I strongly disagree. I believe 90%+ of illegal foreign invaders come here for welfare. Let’s see who is right. Ban welfare for any non-citizen. Then, let’s see how long illegal aliens stay in our country if they can’t get free government checks.

I’m betting we see mass “self-deportation.” And it instantly solves the future problem of illegal immigration too- without welfare, no one will ever come again.

This also dramatically lowers the bill for President Trump’s mass deportation- because we save billions of dollars if they do it themselves.

And it dramatically lowers spending and debt in America on every level- federal, state and local. Think of all the things we could do with all the hundreds of billions we save by not giving illegals welfare, food stamps, housing allowances, free healthcare, free public school, and of course court costs, police costs and prison costs.

We could lower taxes for American citizens, reduce the deficit and debt, fix our crumbling infrastructure, hire more cops, and have enough left over to keep Los Angeles from burning down in the future with more firemen, fire equipment and wildfire training.

Number three: The one thing I don’t hear mentioned prominently in President Trump’s wonderful plans to get rid of our illegal immigration problem is E-Verify. It’s already the law. Simply enforce it. If every CEO in America really believed they’d face prison or fines for employing illegal aliens, they’d fire them all, and never hire another one. Another strong reason for illegals to self-deport.

Number four: Now let’s deal with welfare for American citizens. If you have two legs and two arms, you need to find work. If you can’t find work, government should find it for you, and assign you a job. If you refuse the job, you lose your welfare. Everyone who is able-bodied has to work.

Now liberals might ask “what jobs are we going to assign to able-bodied welfare recipients?” Simple. Now that all the illegal aliens are either deported, or self-deporting, or prohibited from working, there are millions of job openings in construction, landscaping, restaurants, hotels, housekeepers and nannies (to name a few). American citizens on welfare can fill all these jobs and get off welfare forever. If they don’t want to work, they lose their welfare. I’ll bet we can cut welfare spending by 70% or more.

Number five: We must finally institute term limits for Congress. Just like our president, Congressmen and Senators should all get eight years in office, and that’s it. After that, go find a new job. Our big problem in America is the corrupt politicians who stay in Congress for life. We need fresh blood every eight years.

Number six: Give lie detector tests to every member of Congress and every major member of government once a year. This is the only way to completely erase corruption, extortion and bribery. Ask them “Are you taking bribes? Is any member of your family taking bribes? Are you on the payroll of China? Are you on the payroll of the Mexican Drug Cartels? Are you on the payroll of Big Pharma while you vote on healthcare issues?” Ask just those questions and release the results to the American people.

Number seven: Go back to the Gold Standard. This limits government spending. We can’t spend more than we have, and we can no longer run the printing presses to create more money out of thin air. This limits the ability of politicians to spend America into bankruptcy. This is how we get the debt under control and create the greatest economy in the world.

Number eight: Reduce crime dramatically by reinstituting “three strikes and you’re out” for violent crimes, and drug trafficking. That’s a simple way to reduce crime dramatically. Most crimes are committed by the same small population of violent criminals who repeat again and again. All the excuses are eliminated by three strikes. You understood the punishment and you chose to do it again. You will never learn your lesson, so you must be removed from society. Crime will drop dramatically in America.

Number Nine: I wrote about this just days ago. You want prosperity? You want the economy to explode? You want to create jobs for everyone? Get rid of income taxes and the IRS. The only taxes should be tariffs on foreign goods and a small FAIR tax (sales tax only on what we spend).

Replicate the economic model of Texas, Florida, Nevada and Tennessee. They are all 0 income tax states, yet they are all the fastest growing states in America for decades. Everyone who can afford to move, is escaping to low-tax, or no tax states.

Why would we not replicate this super successful model for the entire USA? But it will take balls. It will take the fight of a lifetime against big corporations, and lobbyists for tax lawyers, accountants and government employees unions- all the groups who gain from the existence of the income tax and the IRS.

Number ten: Solve the problem of paying for college education. Normal Americans cannot afford college for their children anymore. Nor can the students themselves take on the debt- it will bury them for life. Again, the answer is simple. And it’s not forgiving student loans- what an insult to everyone who ever paid off their loan.

If government really wants to encourage our citizens to get educated, then give them college loans interest free. That makes the payback of loans simple, easy and far quicker. And Part II- make the payments tax deductible. That’s how you encourage everyone in America to go to college and grad school. We want an educated nation. Make it all tax deductible.

If all or most of these ten ideas are adopted by President Trump over the next four years, America will thrive, economic growth will explode, and the people will be the richest and happiest in history!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch. Read Wayne’s latest fun book, “How Democrats Have Made America Great.” It’s 140 blank pages! The joke is on Democrats!