
“We were outsmarted”- Head coach Janneke Schopman on India’s loss to USA on the FIH Olympic Qualifiers

India’s marketing campaign on the FIH Olympic Qualifiers on house floor received off to a shaky begin as they misplaced by a solitary aim towards the US.

The crew missed a number of penalty corners and appeared out of types generally. For India, having missed the prospect to qualify for Paris on the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Video games, the continuing occasion in Ranchi is the final shot at reserving themselves a berth on the Video games.

Going into this match, India lacked a a couple of of their skilled gamers and had been on the sphere with a barely watered down squad. Talking on their loss on the post-match press convention, head coach Janneke Schopman stated:

“I know we are a good team, we weren’t the lesser team even though we lost. We were outsmarted. We created chances but did not have composure and confidence on the ball that I am used to seeing in training and in matches previously.”

Schopman was additionally of the opinion that the Indian crew did not play to their strengths within the match, opting to hit lengthy balls into the circle when they need to have been taking part in quick.

“We have to be better. I don’t think we lost to ourselves. USA put up a good fight but I feel that we didn’t play to our strength and what typically works for us. We need to revisit that and look at what works for us. We have to be a little bit smarter and understand what the game needs, where is the space and what is our strength.”

Janneke Schopman on India’s lack of penalty nook conversions on the FIH Olympic Qualifiers

In the meantime, as India and US battled it out in Ranchi for his or her first match of the FIH Olympic Qualifiers, the house crew’s lack of penalty nook conversions was glaringy apparent.

The Savita Punia-led facet missed as many as seven alternatives over the course of the 60 minutes, displaying India’s lack of understanding within the division. Talking on India’s penalty nook woes, Schopman stated on the similar press convention:

“Look, I also would have liked to score (from penalty corners). I think we really played two really good PCs but for some reason we did not execute it right.”

The coach took accountability for the missed alternatives, saying that she made some poor subbing selections.

“I will say that is the problem because at one point we didn’t have people on the pitch for PCs and that is a subbing mistake, that is my mistake.”

India will subsequent tackle New Zealand on the FIH Olympic Qualifiers and followers would hope to see a turnaround within the crew’s fortunes.