
“We’ve Got to Do This Immediately!” – Warhawk Nikki Haley Says US Ought to Strike and Kill Iranian Leaders Inside Their Nation (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Nikki Haley is on the warpath. Haley needs to explode the mullahs in Iran like Soleimani. Take them out with a missile strike.

That should calm issues down within the Center East!

Brian Kilmeade: You’re saying now’s the time to hit Iran?

Nikki Haley: Now’s the time to hit their leaders. It’s completely different. Don’t go and bomb the nation.

Brian Kilmeade: What about their infrastructure?

Nikki Haley: The infrastructure in Iraq and Syria. You begin with that first. You do the sanctions and you are taking out a few their leaders. That’s the best way…

Brian Kilmeade: Of their nation?

Nikki Haley: In the event that they’re of their nation, you do like Soleimani, after they left the nation. You determine the place they’re. Our particular operations can try this. And then you definately take them out. That can ship a message. We’ve obtained to do that instantly.