
Whistleblowers Launch Proof US Authorities Trailed Credentialed Reporter Tayler Hansen for two Years with 48 Air Marshalls on 16 Totally different Flights for Reporting at J6 Protest | The Gateway Pundit

Tayler Hansen is an distinctive unbiased journalist who covers violent protests, the open US border, filthy pornographic porn reveals open to youngsters, and present occasions. His courageous and sincere reporting ought to have gained him quite a few awards over time. Tayler has reported from a number of violent protests over time and positioned himself at risk to get out the reality.

Tayler has made appearances on FOX Information, together with with Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham.

On January 6, 2021, Tayler was reporting on the US Capitol. He attended protests in Washington DC on the fifth.

On January 6, Tayler was within the crowd with the police indiscriminately and, with out warning, began firing on the Trump crowd exterior of the Capitol. Tayler helped put out a person on fireplace after he was hit by a projectile fired by police.

Tayler was additionally contained in the constructing as a credentialed reporter and was close to Ashli Babbitt when Officer Byrd shot her in chilly blood with out warning.

Tayler wrote for The Gateway Pundit for an prolonged time frame in 2021.

In January 2021 Tayler wrote his first article for The Gateway Pundit on his expertise on the January 6 protests.

Within the article Tayler laid out what actually occurred that day – one thing utterly completely different than the present media narrative on the time.

From Tayler’s report.

AN INSIDE LOOK: What actually occurred in the course of the Capitol Siege – Rebellion or Setup?

On January sixth, 2021, The USA Capitol was overrun by what the mainstream “media” labeled as “insurrectionists” and “terrorists.” Everybody concerned was supposedly motivated to breach federal grounds by President Trump’s “call to action” for supporters to rally in DC forward of the Presidential Affirmation Vote.

Right now the general public is being advised half-truths by biased media companies to color an unrealistic dream narrative in opposition to Trump and his tens of hundreds of thousands of supporters.

Right here is the complete, wonderful article.

EXCLUSIVE: Independent Journalist Tayler Hansen: A Riot that Turned Deadly, What I Witnessed at the US Capitol Riot

The article has since been talked about in authorities stories.

Though he was a credentialed reporter on January sixth, Tayler was involved concerning the authorities overreach following the protests that turned violent.

Tayler has good instinct.

On Friday Tayler despatched us proof that the federal government was trailing him for 2 years and on a minimum of 12 flights with 48 completely different Air Marshalls.

A whistleblower turned this doc over to Tayler Hansen not too long ago is reveals 12 completely different flights Tayler took after the January 2021 protests in Washington DC.

Tayler wrote this right this moment on his Twitter account:

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16 2 48 .

$100,000 cash ’ , .

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As Tayler reported, this authorities monitoring of his air journey alone price US taxpayers over 100 thousand {dollars}.
That is how the federal government is spending our tax {dollars}.

Possibly Republicans ought to begin preventing again in opposition to horrible authorities abuse?