
Why Is President Biden Serving to Hamas? | The Gateway Pundit



The White House, Wikimedia Commons

This story initially was printed by Real Clear Wire

By Newt Gingrich
Actual Clear Wire

President Joe Biden’s current international coverage strikes are baffling. By any rational normal, they’re undermining Israel and serving to Hamas.

When Biden was caught on an open microphone following his State of the Union Handle telling Democrat Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado that Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been “going to have a come to Jesus meeting,” it’s important to surprise what he’s considering.

It was a bizarre remark for 2 causes. First, it’s unlikely the chief of the Jewish state may have a “come to Jesus moment.” (Perhaps a come to Moses or Abraham second – however not a come to Jesus second.) I’ve recognized Netanyahu because the Nineteen Eighties. I’m assured he was amused reasonably than intimidated by Biden’s remark.

Second, the American President can’t dictate to the Prime Minister of Israel. Israel is a sovereign nation. Moreover, its complete historical past has been a sequence of heroic victories through which it needed to rely by itself braveness and ingenuity to offer for its peoples’ safety. America has traditionally been an ally of Israel (though in Suez Disaster of 1956, we intervened decisively towards an Israeli victory). However the USA can solely advise – it can’t dictate.

President Biden grandly introduced that an Israeli occupation of the town of Rafah would cross a pink line. After all, we bear in mind President Barack Obama’s well-known pink line concerning the Syrian use of chemical weapons, which disappeared the minute Syria used the chemical weapons.

Netanyahu responded clearly to Biden’s risk. He informed Politico’s parent company, Axel Springer, “We’ll go there. We’re not going to leave… You know, I have a red line. You know what the red line is, that Oct. 7 doesn’t happen again.”

At that time, President Biden’s pink line light identical to Obama’s. Biden stated on MSNBC, “It is a red line, but I’m never going to leave Israel.”

Even Netanyahu’s political opponents in Israel know invading Rafah is a requirement of lasting peace. Israeli Warfare Cupboard member Benny Gantz defined, “Finishing the war without demilitarizing Rafah is like sending in firefighters to put out 80% of a fire.”

The case for completely destroying Hamas is overwhelming. Hamas’ official founding doc requires the entire destruction of Israel. One among its most essential leaders stated publicly, “not a single Jew will remain.” Hamas has run a terrorist state which stole sufficient development supplies from the individuals of Gaza to construct 300 miles of tunnels (the stolen materials was reportedly meant to construct hospitals and houses).

Hamas has confirmed its willingness to make use of the individuals of Gaza as human shields behind which it protects its key leaders and navy property. The variety of lifeless and wounded in Gaza since Oct. 7 has been a operate of Hamas’ willingness to sacrifice its personal individuals to construct a humanitarian outcry towards Israel.

Tragically, the Biden administration and far of the American information media settle for the case arrange by Hamas’ ruthlessness and focus their consideration on the Israelis. The very fact is: That is an city conflict that Hamas began. In city warfare, civilian deaths are unavoidable. The information media’s anti-Israel, antisemitic bias leads it to just accept the Hamas propaganda.

As Richard Goldberg wrote, “Biden should draw red lines for Hamas not for Israel.”

Biden’s proposal for Israel to remain out of Rafah would successfully create a sanctuary metropolis for Hamas terrorists. It could be an irrational act which assured the survival of these whose aim is the entire destruction of Israel. The battle would stay countless.

When Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Iranian Parliament chant, “Death to America, Death to Israel.” They imply it. We all know as a result of the Ayatollah went on nationwide tv and pledged to the Iranian those that these phrases weren’t a slogan – however a coverage.

The seriousness of Hamas’ want to destroy Israel is captured in its map-making. As Louis Rene Beres wrote in on Dec. 23, 2023:

“Unhidden, both the Arab world and Iran still have only a ‘One-State Solution’ for the ‘Israel Problem.’ It is a ‘solution’ that eliminates Israel altogether, a physical solution, a ‘Final Solution.’ Even today, official Arab maps of ‘Palestine’ (PNA and Hamas) show the prospective Arab State comprising all of the West Bank (Judea/Samaria), all of Gaza and all of Israel. They knowingly exclude any references to a Jewish population and list ‘holy sites’ of Christians and Muslims only.”

President Biden ought to be firmly on the aspect of Israel and civilization – and towards Hamas’ barbarism, terrorism, and genocide.

Sadly, he’s failing that check.

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