
Why this CEO seeks change when issues are going effectively

If you turn out to be too snug in a job, it’s time for a change, says Josh Krichefski, GroupM’s CEO for EMEA and the UK. This is why.

Historic Greek thinker Heraclitus stated change is the one fixed, however how might you apply that in your profession? Josh Krichefski, GroupM’s CEO for EMEA and the UK, has a suggestion.

“I believe it’s important to be curious about change,” Krichefski advised CNBC’s My Largest Classes.

“I feel strongly that when we stick with the status quo, we stagnate, whereas when we’re curious, we progress.” 

Getting out of 1’s consolation zone when issues are going effectively may sound counterintuitive, however Krichefski explains why it’s higher. 

“I’ve always changed jobs at times when things have been going well, not when things have been going badly,” he stated. 

Doing so permits him to come back from “a position of strength, and curiosity, and clarity, rather than desperation.” 

Krichefski believes this is applicable to enterprise selections and innovation inside an organization. 

For extra of Josh Krichefski’s largest classes, watch the complete video.