
World Well being Group Requires Large International Tax Will increase on Alcohol, Soda | The Gateway Pundit

The World Well being Group is advising the federal government to make use of taxes to take your freedoms away.

In a Tuesday news release, WHO referred to as for large world tax will increase on alcohol and sugary drinks, suggesting that rising the value of those drinks by a whopping 50 p.c would create more healthy societies.

Sounds simply ducky, proper?

Citing a 2017 research, WHO claimed that its advisable tax will increase would “help avert over 21 million deaths over 50 years and generate nearly US$17 trillion in additional revenues. This is equivalent to the total government revenue of eight of the world’s largest economies in one year.”

And there you’ve gotten the true concern — $17 trillion in new income.

So far as WHO is anxious, persons are merely statistical pawns who may be manipulated to generate tax {dollars}. With this in thoughts, they gained’t cease with alcohol and soda.

They’ll weaponize the idea of well being to present governments extra money and energy and people much less freedom.

Dr. Rüdiger Krech, WHO’s director of well being promotion, stated, “Taxing unhealthy products creates healthier populations. It has a positive ripple effect across society — less disease and debilitation and revenue for governments to provide public services. In the case of alcohol, taxes also help prevent violence and road traffic injuries.”

What a fairly utopian image Krech paints. Let’s see. What else may be taxed to “protect” your well being? Meat? Gasoline-powered autos? Guns? The whole lot?

What WHO is proposing, in impact, is outlawing alcohol and soda for the poor. In case you’re wealthy sufficient, you possibly can drink your self into oblivion. If not, screw you.

I don’t find out about you, however the place I’m from a six-pack of beer is already too costly. Tax it far more and I’m both going to should stop ingesting beer, make it myself, or discover somebody who can promote it cheaper.

The final time they tried to outlaw alcohol — keep in mind Prohibition? — bootleggers bought wealthy and crime flourished. The identical factor will occur when freedom is a matter of wealth and never a God-given proper.

Are we there but?

WHO is a puppet of the World Financial Discussion board and the Chinese language. All of them need to play God by abolishing your God-given rights.

The issue is we stay in a damaged world. Curbing particular person freedoms gained’t repair it. Solely God by way of Jesus Christ can do this.

This text appeared initially on The Western Journal.