The wait is over, you can now buy your own X merchandise, so that you can display your passion for the platform in your everyday life.

Yes, you can now buy your own X-branded t-shirt or X-branded cap to wear around, showing that you are indeed an enthusiastic X user.
Though that’s all that you can buy for now. X’s new retail store includes just two items for sale at this stage, though it does also note that there will be more products to come in future.
It makes sense for X to move into fashion items, and to cash in on its passionate fan base. I mean, I’m not sure how many of them there are, exactly, but X owner Elon Musk certainly has a cult following of his own, and those fans will no doubt be keen to buy themselves an X t-shirt to show their support for Musk’s mission at the app.
Because that mission, in returning “free speech” to America, has become a movement in itself, and X is now a symbol of more than just a social app. It’s a community, a drawcard for passionate fans of Musk and his approach. And as such, I can see many, many of these items being ordered by X super fans, as well as those who are keen for a piece of nostalgia from the era.
And they could well become collectors’ items of sorts. The way that X is currently going, I’m not sure it’ll even be in business for much longer, and if X does go down in flames, these will one day be a reminder of the time that Twitter got purchased by a billionaire and transformed into a short-lived political dream.
Though in that scenario, you’d probably also have to explain Twitter, but regardless, these could well become artifacts of their time as well.
Or you could just be the cool guy wearing X merch around the local mall.
You will run the risk of being criticized, as much as supported, but for X fans, these will no doubt be popular.
You can check out the official X store here. The store currently only ships to U.S. addresses.