
Yale Scholar Protesters Rip Down US Flag on Campus – Harass Jewish College students – Kind Human Chains and Block Them Throughout Protest, Blast “F*ck Israel!” From a Boombox in Their Ears (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Leftist Yale college students type a blockade and shadowed a Chassidic Jewish on the campus on Saturday evening. This echoed the antisemitism in Europe earlier than WWII.

A Jewish Chassidic Jewish pupil was harassed and shadowed by radical leftists on campus on Saturday evening.

The professional-Palestinian protesters have been singing a peace music as they harassed this younger Jew.
That is at Yale College.

Oli London explained — The chilling act of antisemitism echoes 1939, when Nazi’s blocked Jewish college students from coming into Vienna College- just because they have been Jews.

The Yale leftists additionally tore down a US flag on campus – cheering because it hit the bottom.

Through Sahar Tartak.

Jews on campus are commonly confronted with anti-Jewish and anti-Isreal shows.

“F**k Israel! Israel a b*tch!” – A Jewish pupil accosted with a boombox on the Yale protest final evening.

The enlightend Yale protesters wouldn’t enable Jewish college students to stroll freely of their protest space on campus.

One other human chain was fashioned blocking the Jewish pupil on campus.