
YOU THINK SO? View Co-Host Says Eradicating Trump From Ballots Will Create Look of ‘a Rigged Election’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Sara Haines, a co-host on ‘The View’ stated this week that eradicating Trump from ballots would create the looks of a rigged election. Because the outdated saying goes, even a damaged clock is correct twice a day.

As Haines made her case, the opposite hosts stored attempting to speak over her, principally Pleasure Behar, who clearly disagreed and desires Trump stored off of ballots.

Behar’s opinion is typical of the far left. They will blather on endlessly about our sacred democracy but see nothing fallacious with this in any respect.

FOX News studies:

‘View’ host says Democrats taking Trump off state ballots will create look of ‘a rigged election’

On Tuesday’s “The View”, Haines argued these efforts would trigger extra division and reinforce Trump’s place that Democrats are attempting to intervene within the 2024 election.

Haines stated she agreed with former Obama adviser David Axelrod and Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom’s arguments that Democrats should beat Trump on the polls as a substitute.

“The point I would say here is, I actually agree with Governor Gavin Newsom and David Axelrod, these are Democrats, leading Democrats that say, this would really cause a division that’s almost insurmountable,” Haines started.

The co-host stated she believed voters needs to be those to disclaim Trump re-election. She predicted the U.S. Supreme Court docket would overturn these rulings in a 9-0 vote.

“I think the division this will cause, because what will happen is, that martyrdom will be one step more. We have a nation that doesn’t believe in democracy, doesn’t believe in voting, everyone that loses says it was rigged and failed. I think this will create a vision, a visual to people that this was a rigged election. I do,” Haines argued.

Right here’s the video:

The Supreme Court docket ought to overturn these selections and it needs to be a unanimous vote.